Flying Above the Marina – An Aerial Photoshoot

Flying Above the Marina – An Aerial Photoshoot

One of the moorers here at the marina was talking to Lee and said one of our twitter photos has made it into a magazine – I think it was Towpath something or other, I can’t remember! Anyway, she also told Lee than the marina manager had seen it and was...
Why are Boaters so Angry on Social Media?

Why are Boaters so Angry on Social Media?

It’s something that has confounded me for a long time now and I honestly can’t fathom it. When I talk to other boaters face to face I find the vast majority of them to be friendly and helpful. Most seem to have a very similar outlook on life as I do and in...
177 Days of the Photography Challenge

177 Days of the Photography Challenge

177 days ago just after lockdown we deceided to create a Facebook group for those of us that moor at the marina and were here for the duration. Initially we had a Whatsapp group but that fast turned into a place where people were just moaning and scaring the shite out...

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