Welcome to our little space on the internet where we share our adventures, our alternative lifestyle living aboard a narrowboat and our thoughts on life in general.
Our Latest Blog Posts
Our blog is not just about pottering up and down the canal network, it’s about a whole host of things from the in’s and out’s of life in a confined space all the way through to our adventures away from Hannah the Narrowboat and our views on life in general. We don’t expect everyone to agree with our views but hey, life would be pretty mundane if everyone agreed! We hope you enjoy a little peek inside our world.
My Secret Love Affair – BMPCC 6K Pro
For a long time I have wanted to move away from hybrid cameras come video cameras and get a dedicated cinema camera. I suppose for some this may be strange as it may portray visions of a camcorder of the past but it really is far away from that. Think of it this way,...
We’re Done – Goodbye Facebook, Hello MeWe
It's been a long time coming to be honest but today I finally permanently deleted my personal Facebook account which means my business pages and my involvement in any groups have gone too and it feels really good! So why have I done that then you may well ask. For a...
Lockdown V2.0 – Here We Go Again
I try not to be political on my boat related social media and web pages but I am finding it harder and harder to stay silent. Each and every day this continues I can feel myself getting more and more wound up and even feel myself shaking with rage which really is not...
Well That Didn’t Take Long – Living In A Ditch Is Launched
If you read our last post you will already know that I was thinking of launching a brand new website focusing of life on and around the waterways and written by a variety of contributors - almost like a hybrid Facebook without all the crap that goes along with it. I...
A New Project For The Winter Months?
Winter is approaching fast and the weather has turned from glorious warm sunshine to drab, grey, rain filled skies. We all know what that means - we'll be spending more time inside our boats. Gone are the days of sitting outside in the sunshine with an ale or two...
Flying Above the Marina – An Aerial Photoshoot
One of the moorers here at the marina was talking to Lee and said one of our twitter photos has made it into a magazine - I think it was Towpath something or other, I can't remember! Anyway, she also told Lee than the marina manager had seen it and was going to ask us...
Our Latest Video
Myself (Paul) and my wife (Lee) are very lucky. We may not have grand wealth, a big house in the country or drive around in flashy cars but we do have something very special indeed. We have a narrowboat called Hannah that we live aboard with our cheeky little Jack Russell terrier called Hector. Hannah is not a shiny show boat that we polish every week and she is most certainly no spring chicken. Hannah is a cosy, most wonderful home that we can take anywhere around the beautiful canal network of Great Britain. Hannah is a place of tranquillity away from what most people call a ‘normal’ life.
Contrary to what you may be thinking, we are not pensioners enjoying our retirement years, we are in fact middle aged working professionals who do not believe that life is all about living in the ‘rat race’. I work as a freelance graphic designer and my fair lady is a mobile hairdresser who unfortunately had to close her own salon in Dunstable due to the lockdown.
For now, we are not continuous cruisers and probably will not do so for a few years due to present circumstances but we do have a most wonderful mooring spot and the people around us are what we would consider to be very good friends.
We are probably one of the slowest boats on the canal as we really don’t see the point of seeing how far we can get, we feel it’s more about the journey and what we see rather than the miles covered. We are more than happy just pottering along for a few miles and then mooring up for a few days just to get away from it all and to enjoy the countryside and the wildlife that it brings.